    The château de Quéribus ( meaning « rocher des buis », or « rock boxwood »)  is a cathar castle, and the last
    monument of resistance (during the Crusade against the Albigensians, in 1255) situated in Cucugnan. 
    Built on an impressive rocky outcrop (altitude: 728m), it was abandoned during the french revolution, and its construction began in the Xth century. In the past, it was a place of defense. It was gradually degraded until 1951, and, from that date on, it was progressively restaured. This castle is famous for its height, which allows you to watch the massif des Corbières, the Fenouillèdes and the Roussillon plains. You enjoy seeing or discovering new landscapes? The view is really splendid from there! 
     By Margaux

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    Written by Flavie, Charlène and Carla. 


    Notre-Dame d'Alet abbey, which is situated in Alet-les-Bains, was built in 803. Between 1318 and 1801, it was risen to the rank of cathedral. It is a superb testimony of the rich history of Alet. 


    It was destroyed during the wars of religion and now, there are still important historical remains: especially the cathedral Notre Dame dating from the XIInd century, the chapter house...  Anyway, it's a really pleasant monument. You should visit it! 
    By Margaux.



    your comment
  •                        THE AMAZING AND UNBELIEVABLE.....

                                        GRUISSAN VILLAGE!!!!!!

     Gruissan village


    Gruissan is a village located near Narbonne. There are more than 5000 inhabitants during the winter but during the summer the population increases a lot. 


     Gruissan village


    A lot of pupils in our school live there. This village is composed of three big parts : The chalets (Here is the beach! A very famous film was shot there : 37,2° in the morning or Betty Blue), Mateille (a big part of Gruissan) and another big part nicknamed « The Village ».


     Gruissan village


     This village is famous for its beach, very enjoyable. During the summer, a lot of tourists come there and all the inhabitants of Narbonne too, that's the ritual !

     Gruissan village

     By Lisa


  •  Is the best restaurant in Narbonne. Here is an application to visit the restaurant : http://www.la-table-saint-crescent.com/index.cfm It's the only 3 stars restaurant in Narbonne with its famous chef: Lionel Giraud .




    your comment

  • your comment
  • In our school, an action was taken last week to encourage our pupils to be non-violent. 

    Each pupil has to sign a charter stating they would not use any form of violence (moral, verbal or physical)  in any case.

    Siging this charter implies: refusing acts of violence or dangerous games, respecting the others, keeping our self-contol when we are angry, expressing ourselves calmy instead of fighting or sayng bad words, asking an adult for help if you feel you're being bullied by someone.

    Each pupil is given a blue rubber bracelet "I chose to be non-violent" and has to give it back if the rules are broken. It is symbolic but, in a way, if the rules are broken, the bracelet is broken. 


    Montesquieu against violence

  • The Château de Peyrepertuse is a castle situated in the Aude department. It's the center of the old seigniory of Peyrepertusès, which means "pierced stone".  It belongs to "Cinq fils de Carcassonne", which could be translated as "The Five Sons of Carcassonne" with other castles such as Quéribus, Puilaurens, Termes and Aguilar. 

    File:Château de Peyrepertuse (face nord).JPG

     It is nicknamed "Carcassonne Célèste" or "Heavenly Carcassonne" because it's the highest one. Its length: 300m and its width: 60m. Its construction began in the Xth century, and ended in the XIIIth century. This is a magnificent monument! Every year, the Château de Peyrepertuse receives approximately 100 000 visitors. So, what about you? When is it going to be your turn?  



    your comment

    By Margaux 

  • I was thinking about designing a cool logo for our school to print on a hoody. I've never done that so please be indulgent... 

    That one is inspired by American colleges and I'd like to know what you think of it!

